Chow Chows are the most unique and regal of all breeds (in our opinion anyway!), so we’ve made it our mission to celebrate them and their owners within our community. Here on our Gallery page you’ll find a celebration of all things Chow, so why not explore mini-profiles of some of our Chow Chow friends and take a look through our photo gallery for your daily dose of Chow Chow cuteness. If you’d like to feature your Chow within the Chow Chow Community Gallery, submit a photo and bio of your furry companion using the form at the bottom of the page, and show off your Chow in all of their glory!
Nicknames: BonBon, Bon, Bonzo, little bean
Favourite toy: Fluffy duck
Favourite treat: Ham, cheese & whipped cream
Location: Bedfordshire, UK
Date of birth: 10th June 2018
Nicknames: BearBear, Bearzo, big Bear
Favourite toy: Gorilla
Favourite treat: Anything that remotely resembles food
Location: Bedfordshire, UK
Date of birth: 1st March 2017
Nicknames: Stanleypoo, Bigflouff, Big boy, Stanou
Favourite toy: Not a fan of toys, but loves his stuffed elephant
Favourite treats: Beef Liver and boursin cheese
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date of birth: 23rd August 2021
Nicknames: Queen V
Favourite toy: A tennis ball
Favourite treat: Chicken
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Date of birth: 1st June 2020
Nickname: Yoghi
Favourite toy: Tas Tasmanian Devil
Favourite treat: Ama lo yogurt
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Date of birth: 18th October 2021
Nicknames: Pretty girl & fluffy bear
Favourite toy: Ball
Favourite treat: Bones
Location: UK
Date of birth: 26th September 2020
Nickname: Hector
Favourite toy: All of his soft toys, especially his Goose
Favourite treat: Babybel
Location: Scotland
Date of birth: 19th May
Nickname: Bo Bo and fluffy face
Favourite toy: Cuddly sloth
About Teddy: A real softie but only with people he likes and
Loves chasing leaves in the wind.
Date of birth: 01st July 2022
About Bella:Bella is born in Bulgaria and living happy in Surrey .
Location: Surrey
Name: Dante
Nickname: Dante Bear
Favourite toy: Squeaky ball
Favourite treat: Ham or Chicken
Location: Swansea, Wales
Date of birth: 29/12/2020
Instagram: @dantethechow_
Name: Oscar
Nicknames: Ausi Mousi
Favourite toy: Rope toys
Favourite treat: Chicken and all the human food
Location: Dubai
Date of birth: 16/01/2021
Instagram account: Oscar.naughtychow
Name: Winnie
Nickname: Win
Favourite Toy: Football
Favourite Treat: Goats ear
Location: UK
Date of birth: 06.10.2021
Instagram: winnie_the_chowchow
Name: Bear
Nickname: Chunky, Chunk Bear cub, Ginger Biscuit, Munchkin
Favourite toy: Doughnut, anything new or Dads slider
Date of birth: 8th June 2022
Instagram: @2022bearthechow
Name: Tuppence
Nickname: Bubba, Tuppy, Tups, BooBoo & Boobs.
Favourite toy: Stuffed chicken, pink dragon, blue doggie and her stuffed carrot patch (which has hidden treats in it!)
Date of birth: 01st October 2022
Instagram: @tuppy_the_chow
Name: Shadow
Nickname: Shads, Shadderz, Fluffy butt.
Favourite treat: Ice cream (Frozen yogurt, but don’t tell her that)
Favourite Toy: Treat puzzles, or the manky tennis ball she found on the street!
Date of birth: 28th June 2020
About Bear:
Baby bear is a year old now, she is a lazy girl. She doesn’t do any commands, but when I tell her Labrador sister to sit and do paw, bear comes along as she knows that’s for a treat, and expect a treat for doing nothing. She picks and chooses when she wants to be loving.
Name: GiGi
Nickname: Wee Gi McGee
Favourite toy: Stuffed giraffe
Date of birth: 08/05/2021
Location: Scotland
Instagram: @wee_gigi_the_chowchow
Name: Rufus
Nickname: Chunk, Rufy, Roof Doof
Favourite Toy: Piggy & any kind of ball
Date of birth: 15th December 2020
Instagram: @rufus_thechowchow
Name: Teddy
Nicknames: Ted, Hib, Choof, ChoofeName: Winston
Big, black bundle of floof who would do literally anything if it meant he could hang out with us.
Likes paddling, trotting around in long grass, saying hello to every person and dog he meets and finding new sniffs!
Dislikes being left at home on his own, eating the food he’s supposed to, putting his harness on.
Name: Barney
A one year old cuddly chomp monster who hasn’t had the best start to life with entropion and ongoing skin conditions.
Loves attention and cuddles and always wants to share your food.
Name: Kai
Nicknames: BearBear, Floof, Smoosh
Daisy is my six year old red, rough-coated, purebred Chow Chow. She also goes by the names of Daisy-Boo, Diva-Daisy and Cow-Chow! She has an amazing and loving personality and is so funny too, I adore her. Her favourite things to do are going for walks (sniffing everything), judging people, sleeping (including snoring loudly), having the “zoomies” and getting a good brush/pamper! She is definitely spoilt and she totally deserves it!!!
Arwyn is nearly 2 years old. His favourite toy is a white and black cow, that he likes to chew. His favourite treats are chicken, and cheese. He follows us around and is very nosy, he loves to look out the window.
Reggie is 3yrs 5months old and the soppiest fur baby ever. He has 2 cat friends that he lives with and loves chasing them! Reggie likes to sit on the sofa and watch what’s going on outside. In his spare time, he enjoys chasing squirrels or snoring really loud when the tv is on! He will give his paw, turn around and jump for a treat. Reg isn’t a fan of the hose pipe in the garden, when that comes out, he comes in! Loves the fuss he gets when out and about, he’s a good-looking chap and doesn’t he know it!
Rosie loves attention from humans and playing with her sister Bonnie. She likes sleeping in the bed and giving Mommie kisses- her favourite toy is her ball and her possum. Sometimes mommy calls her Rosie the Riveter.
Helmut is a 5 year old adventure loving chow chow! He rolls at least once a day, he will roll to scratch an itch but he most often rolls to express his joy and will spontaneously burst into a roll even mid walk, seemingly when he can no longer contain his excitement. He loves going on outings and will lie down just taking in all the sights and sounds. When he was a puppy, he was fearful of many things, including humans and cars. With lots of positive reinforcement training he had many wonderful socialization experiences and now he loves people and cars and will walk up to people waiting to be petted on his back. Since his socialization journey started at car shows, he is now an avid car show attendee and is at his excited when attending one. That’s where you’ll find him most weekends, rolling around and walking up to people waiting to be petted!
Instagram – @helmutthechowchow
If you’d like your Chow Chow to feature on our Gallery page, submit their best photo and a short bio in the form below. We can’t wait to show them off on our website in all of their furry beauty!
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At Chow Chow Community, you’ll find a blog made by dedicated animal lovers all about our favourite furry friends, and an inclusive community that can support your development of a happy, healthy relationship with your pet.
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